Day One of my new life

I am setting up this blog as a way of helping myself to stay focussed on the task at hand….the task is to clean up my life and get healthy and fit.

Currently I am 15 kgs overweight, drink too much (in fact I find it hard to go three days with out drinking alcohol), I eat badly and have a million excuses why walking today is a bad idea. I have a gym membership but haven’t been for two weeks or is it three now? Not sure but logistics don’t matter the fact is I am 45 years old, overweight, very unhappy with my body, an alcoholic (lets get real I am if I cant control it then I have a huge problem) and on antidepressants. TIME TO CHANGE.

I am getting married in 11 months and have bought my dress. Not in a size 18 but in a 12 because a 12 is who I am. I am not meant to be fat and unfit, only last year I weighed in at 60 kgs and was wearing size 8. I want and need to get back to my lovely self again, to treat myself with all the respect and dignity that I deserve from myself. Oh and to fit into a lovely wedding dress 🙂

Ok so here is my plan…..EATING

Consume 1200 calories a day with a cleanse day a week. Cleanse day is really a fast but if I use the word cleanse it sounds so much better than fast. Yep trying to fool myself is silly but viably better than creating myself the feeling of deprivation. I am starting today so my cleanse day will be Tuesday’s and only consuming 500calories of less is my goal on these days. I will eat clean healthy food and not a lot of carbs (trying the gluten free carbs will be my goal cause I do get bloated when I eat carbs now). I will track my progress using my fitness pal. Ok so that sounds easy.

Alcohol…….I suspect this will be harder. I will set up my accountable people. My niece is my first person because she is someone who I listen to and respect immensely. My goal is zero alcohol. I will treat myself for every week I don’t drink I will give myself $100 to spend. I want to save up for a sunroof for my car…so that’s motivation alone. I have also booked in to alcohol counselling but that isn’t until 23 May.

Walking… tackle my depression walking is my drug. I love walking and could walk a thousand miles on some days. My goal is to walk 5 times a week for an hour and to go to the gym twice a week. I wont do this on cleanse days because last time I nearly passed out 😦

My overall goal is to lose 15 kgs. I want to be 63kgs. I don’t give myself a time frame because it will happen. My promise to myself is to be the healthy and fit person that I want to be and should be.

I will blog every week. Might be on my weigh in days if I choose to weigh in. I will also blog if I am struggling as a type of therapy 🙂 Bye for now